The perfect house, yours!When I pull into my neighborhood, I feel at home. As I drive in, I see my neighbors walking their dog, walking with their kids, and kids riding their bikes with friends. I know these people, they are my neighbors. I make it a point to wave to them, to talk to them, and to engage with them.

As I turn into my driveway, I look at my yard. I love my yard. I’ve worked on it, it’s tough…but worth it. Cutting, edging, blowing, trimming and planting my favorite plants and shrubs. But it’s mine!

I walk up my front porch and turn the doorknob to my house. It’s unlocked. It probably shouldn’t be, but I know it’s fine. It’s safe. I walk in the door and my dog barks and barks (too loudly) and greets me. Talk about unconditional love! My kids are playing in the…

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