About George Browder Boulevard
Hard to find larger acreage in popular Mount Pleasant. 7.05 Gross Acres (4.75 Acres of High Ground) and currently zoned PI-1 (Public Institutional), which is predominantly geared towards municipal and utility uses. Churches and schools are encouraged to zone PI-1 so it gives them flexibility based on their specific program model and also may exempt them from the Design Review process. AB, Areawide Business, would be a potentially favorable rezoning. The Comprehensive Plan calls for Public Institutional, but Commercial/Work Force Housing proposals could be successful on this site. Ideal designs would mutually benefit residents and congregants in this area. Here is the zoning code link, but also a snippet:https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/mtpleasantsc/latest/mpleasant_sc/0-0-0-121948(4) AB, Areawide Business District. It is the purpose of this section that the AB District be utilized for certain types of businesses, related to those in the NC and OP Districts, which need a location adjacent to arterial roads. The regulations that apply within this district are designed to encourage an economically healthy environment, particularly for those businesses that have a market area beyond just one or a few neighborhoods. They are also designed to discourage the encroachment of other uses capable of adversely affecting the basic commercial character of the district.(5) AB-2, Areawide Business-2 District. It is the intent of this section that the AB-2 District be utilized to encourage an economically healthy environment for high-impact commercial uses that need a location adjacent to arterial roads, and to reduce traffic and parking congestion by providing locations for operations that provide transportation- related goods and services. The regulations that apply within this district are designed to protect residential neighborhoods from encroachment and impact of commercial uses by providing locations for commercial operations that may have adverse impacts on the quality of residential areas.(6) PI-1, Public Institutional-1 District. It is the purpose of this section to recognize that certain public, civic and institutional support uses and activities of a generally low level of intensity are necessary and proper for the conduct of a civilized society, such uses being schools, libraries, police and fire stations, churches, judicial centers and governmental or public utility administration buildings and uses, and the like; and that in the proper context such uses may coexist with little harm to other neighboring uses. It is likewise the intent of this district to establish in a general sense the parameters in which these uses may operate to provide their benefits with minimal burden upon surrounding properties and uses.(7) PI-2, Public Institutional-2 District. It is the purpose of this section to recognize that certain public, civic and institutional support uses and activities of a generally high level of intensity are necessary and proper for the conduct of a civilized society, such uses being characterized as more industrial in nature and consisting of public works and sanitation sites and facilities, treatment facilities, lay- down yards and open lot storage of materials, heavy equipment and vehicles, and the like; and that in the proper context such uses may coexist with the least amount of harm to other neighboring uses. It is likewise the intent of this district to establish, in a general sense, the parameters in which these uses may operate to provide their benefits with as little burden upon surrounding properties and uses as possible.A right of first refusal exists. Once an offer is secured it must be presented to the protected entity to see if they would like to purchase the property. Inquire to learn more.