If you've lived in Charleston for long, you know that Morris Island is just another great Charleston experience.  This island is inaccessible by car, so you'll either have to take a boat to get there, or parachute out of a plane.  If parachuting isn't for you, then let me suggest Adventure Harbor Tours.

This is a good friend of mine's local business where he takes folks, families, you name it- to Morris Island which is located near Ft. Sumter and on the Charleston Harbor.  This is an exclusive stretch of beach that is mostly very quiet, and if you get there in the morning- you'll get first pick of all the shells.

What makes this adventure so intriguing are the explorations that Howard creates.  Howard has lived here all of his life, so he'll be able to take you on some of the less-traveled creeks.  There you can spot our bottlenose dolphin, protected birds, and many other types of wildlife.  You can find anything from conch shells, to shark teeth (prehistoric megaladons if you're lucky), to actual civil war artifacts.

Take a look at his video, schedule a tour, and tell him Mike sent you!


The boat leaves from:
Charleston Harbor Marina
20 Patriot's Point Rd.,
Mount Pleasant

Parking is free.

Contact Them Directly
(843) 442-9455 Posted by Mike Ciucci on
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