Happy Holidays from BuyingCharlestonRealEstate.com!It's hard to believe there's just one page left on the wall calendar - but what a full page it is! As grateful as we are year round for all that we have, the holiday season makes us especially conscious of the value of home and family and reminds us of the importance of what we do for others. It's a wonderful time to share with family, friends, and neighbors, and a wonderful time to set something aside for those not so fortunate.

You'll probably see a lot of your neighbors at some of our dazzling December events:

  • Experience Charleston's history and holiday spirit with the Charleston Tree lighting ceremony in Marion Square on December 5th from 4:30 to 6:00pm.
  • Before you pack in another holiday meal, burn off a few calories at the Reindeer Run, a festival fun-filled 5K run/walk through Downtown Charleston, December 5th, 9:00AM. Visit www.reindeerrun.org for further information.
  • It's time to decorate your boat with Christmas lights! Come out to the Charleston Harbor on December 5th for the Annual Parade of Boats. Don't have a boat? View this spectacular sight from land. The parade begins along Mt. Pleasant at 5:30PM, with fireworks beginning around 6:30PM.
  • Dress warm, put on your First Night Button, and celebrate New Years Eve in our historic downtown at First Night Charleston, December 31.

We are blessed to live in Charleston, and I am extraordinarily fortunate to have such a wonderful group of friends, neighbors, clients, and colleagues. I am so grateful for your loyalty and trust, for your repeat business and referrals, and for your friendly calls throughout the year. I look forward to working with you in 2010 and I hope you will continue to call on me any time you're thinking about real estate.

My family joins me in sending you our warmest wishes for a very happy holiday season and a healthy, peaceful and prosperous New Year.

Mike Ciucci


Posted by Mike Ciucci on


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