Just a reminder that we are a great resource for foreclosures in Charleston, SC. In today’s Charleston real estate market, foreclosures and short sales comprise anywhere between 25 and 35% of the total market. In some areas of Charleston, those numbers can even be higher. With fall coming up, and winter right around the corner, the pressure is on for banks to unload these bank owned properties and get them sold.
On this website, you can search any foreclosure or bank-owned property in the Charleston market. Our information is updated daily, to ensure that you’re getting the latest and most up to date information on these great deals. We even have a breakdown of foreclosures and bank owned homes for each specific area of Charleston.
If you have any questions on foreclosures in Charleston, or our process for finding the best deals, let us know.
it's easy to search on your site.
Posted by Brad on Monday, September 19th, 2011 at 1:43pmLeave A Comment