I need your help! Ever heard the song by Aerosmith, "Janie's got a gun"? It is a song about a young girl abused by her family. Unfortunately, this happens more than you think. Steven Tyler is opening up another Janie's House on February 10th, and my life coach and dear friend Edie Allen is speaking at the Grammy Viewing Party in LA - www.janiesfund.org. These young girls don't have a voice, but Steven Tyler and Edie do!
Please help my dear friend and her cause. Anything you can give is a small miracle. https://support.youthvillages.org/fundraiser/1828227 Thank you, thank you. More about the story HERE: https://www.commercialappeal.com/story/news/local/2019/01/10/memphis-steven-tyler-aerosmith-house-janies-fund-partners-youth-villages-house-abused-girls/2528668002/
Tyler's philanthropic project, Janie's Fund, gave about $500,000 to renovate a home for abused and neglected girls in the Memphis area. The home, which operates with public funding through Youth Villages, houses about 14 girls at a time on a campus in Bartlett.
The home will become the second Janie's House within Youth Villages. The fund also renovated a residential facility in Atlanta, which reopened as in 2017.
Posted by Mike Ciucci on
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