If you're waiting to pull the trigger on purchasing real estate as a buyer here in Charleston SC, should you consider buying now instead of later? I've found some interesting numbers this morning from the Charleston MLS. The numbers speak for themselves. We have a surplus in sold properties in almost every price range for this year, compared to last year.

But now? In this economy?  Yes.

Did we just miss the bottom of the Charleston real estate market?

But lets not forget, the tax credit certainly helped boost along what would otherwise be a dreary first quarter (and last year's November and December were strong, which are not represented in this report). But this is certainly interesting, and we'll have to see how the rest of the year plays out. I'll do another report at the end of the year for a look at increased or decreased home values. That might be the most important report for many. If we see an increase from 2009 to 2010 (which has been predicted) and again an increase in 2011, then the bottom may very well have passed us by.

If you'd like for me to run statistics for any area in Charleston, please send me an email and ask. It's something I enjoy doing and I'd be happy to help.



Posted by Mike Ciucci on


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